Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to Measure If You Have Visceral Fat

Are you an apple or a pear? When you look at yourself in a mirror (both front view and side view) where do you see most of your fat? If you carry your fat in the belly region and have thin arms and legs, then you have visceral fat deposits. If, on the other hand, you seem to distribute your fat all over your body or look thinner from the waist up with most of your weight from the hips down, then you have subcutaneous fat.
To get a quick idea of where you stand, place a measuring tape just above your hip bones. Men should take action if their circumference is over 40 inches; women, over 35 inches. The most accurate way to measure for visceral fat (outside of having it done medically) is to take your waist measurement (at the smallest point) and divide it by your hip measurement. The result should be less than .85 for women, .91 for men.

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