Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 5 - Bikini Body Boot Camp

7/2/10  - I feel really good today. I slept well and I'm ready to jump into a new day! This is the 5th day in a row that I have worked out consistently and it really feels good but I have found that recovery is just as important as exertion and most people shouldn't workout for more than 5 days in a row without taking a break. In most cases doing so regularly will actually hurt your weight loss and fitness goals, so tomorrow I will take a recovery day. As I said before, "walking is not a workout" for most people and my body really loves to move, so I'm planning on a long leasurely walk tomorrow!

6:40 am - coffe and banana while I do EFT, meditate and write
8:00 am - pea protein shake w/coconut milk, flax seeds, strawberries
9:00 am - workout - teach BBBC class
11:00 am - small piece of chicken, leftover salad from last night
1:30 pm - Jumpstart Juice (fresh veggie juice) salad of baby greans, tomatoe, avacodo, steak and chicken
3:00 pm - 1/2 cup strawberry ice cream
5:30 pm - handful almond
8:00 pm - Dinner in restaurant: calamari w/marinara sauce, large mixed green salad w/grilled shrimp and scallops; 2 glasses of wine
11:20 pm - Bed (this is really late for me!)

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