Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 4 - Bikini Body Boot Camp

7/1/10 - This morning I woke up feeling really tired. I didn't get a good sleep last night and whenever that happens I find my body feels really achy. Sleep is so important! Over the years I have found that I need a solid 8 hours each night to feel really good and function well during the day. Because of that, I make getting a good nights sleep a very high priority and I don't let much of anything get in the way of it. But some nights, you just don't sleep well for whatever reason. When this happens I have found that the best thing I can do is to get in a short intense session of "Fit Fast" (exertion and recovery cycles) first thing in the morning. It jumpstarts my energy and helps to negate the effects of not enough sleep - and it supercharges my metabolism and gets my body burning fat for the next 24 hours.

6:30 am - coffee and banana while I do EFT, meditate and write
8:00 am - Jumpstart Juice (fresh veggie juice); pea protein shake w/coconut milk, flax seeds & blueberries
10:00 am - "Fit Fast" walk/sprints (4 on the flat, 4 on the hill) 20 min.; stretch
12:00 pm - salad of romaine and baby greens, tomato, avacado, steak, carrots w/olive oil & lemon
5:00 pm - handful of almonds
8:00 pm - chicken thights with peach glaze, asparagus, spinach salad, roasted sweet potato
9:30 pm - 2 spoonfuls of coffee ice cream
10:30 pm - bed

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