About Bonnie

Bonnie Skane is a "leading edge" professional in the fitness, weight loss, wellness and personal empowerment industry. She is a Personal Empowerment Coach, EFT-ADV Practitioner, workshop presenter, AFAA certified personal trainer, 1st degree black belt, NAMPA and AFAA certified group fitness instructor and an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.

 Bonnie is the creator of “Just the Right Fit Systems” "Fit Fast,” “Fit to the Core” and "Love Yourself Lite", as well as being the Owner/Managing Partner of Just the Right Fit Systems. Just the Right Fit is a holistic fitness, wellness and personal empowerment company, who’s mission is to help others live more healthy, vibrant, balanced and successful lives!

She believes that this can best be done by providing education, customizable tools, resources and skills to help change the beliefs and behaviors that keep people stuck and unable to obtain the successful lifestyle, fitness, wellness and weight loss goals they wish to achieve. It is Bonnie’s belief, that when you “truly believe” that your life is a “gift” - and you remove the "blocks" that are keeping you stuck - your thoughts and behaviors naturally align to best support the marvelous gift of YOU!

Bonnie personally enjoys expressing her love of movement through circuit intervals, swimming, running, kickboxing, Nia Dance, Yoga, Pilates and long walks in the woods. She lives with her two teenage children in a small, beautiful New England town.

Bonnie can be reached at 203-263-7243 or bskicks@sbcglobal.net