Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 11 – Bikini Body Boot Camp

I Never Say I Wish I Hadn't Done That After I Workout!

7/8/10 - I can honestly say that I have never said "I wish I hadn't done that after I finish with a workout – if that where only true for some of the other things I do! What a lot of you might not know is that I have another job, other than being a Personal Empowerment and Wellness Coach and that is working as a Graphic Designer. Unlike my Coaching, this job entails me spending lots of time sitting in front of a computer.

Today was another busy day for me. I had a whole lot of work that had to be done and it had to be done now! I didn't get out for my workout first thing in the morning like I like to. As the day turned into afternoon I was feeling more and more stressed and tired and there was still a large list of things that I had to take care of. A part of me really wanted to lie down and take a nap but my commitment to workout 5 days per week was nagging at me. I also knew that if I forced myself to put on my sneakers and go outside for a "Fit Fast" run, I would feel a whole lot better afterwards. So I made a deal with myself that I would go out and walk the mile loop that I have and just do two exertion/recovery cycles to clear the cobwebs out of my head and get the blood flowing in my body.

The first cycle was really hard, my legs felt like lead but after the second cycle, I felt a bit better, in fact I felt so much better that I decided to do 4 more cycles on the flat and 3 hill sprints. When I was done I was pouring sweat, my energy level was soaring and I felt like a new women! After taking a shower I was easily able to finish off the rest of my computer work. "Fit Fast" cycles are the best stress releaser, energy increaser and fat burner that I've ever found! I highly recommend you try them out for yourself.



7:30 am – Water, coffee and banana while I meditate, do EFT and write

9:00 am – Jump Start Juice; Pea protein shake w/flax, coconut milk and blueberries

12:00 pm – Grilled lamp patty with onions; salad of baby spinach and greens, tomato, avocado

3:30 pm – "Fit Fast" exertion and recovery cycles – 6 cycles on flat, 3 hill sprints; stretch

5:00 pm – Whey protein shake w/almond milk and raspberries

8:00 pm – Chicken and yellow squash baked with pesto tomato sauce; salad of baby spinach and mixed greens, grape tomatoes w/olive oil and lemon

9:00 pm – slice of watermelon

10:30 pm – bed


Sleep Better Tip – Want to fall asleep faster at night? Try a slice of watermelon. Watermelon is high on the glycemic index and in an Australian study people who consumed this treat before bedtime fell asleep twice as fast as those who ate slower-digesting treats. Plus, this tasty fruit increases the production of tryptophan, an amino acid that boosts levels of the sleep-inducing hormone serotonin.

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