Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 13 – Bikini Body Boot Camp

Nothing Tastes as Good, as Being Slim Feels!

When I finally settled in to my "happy, healthy, feel good size 2, about 4 years ago, I came up with the mantra, "nothing tastes as good as being slim feels!" How true that is for me. No matter how good something tastes and how much pleasure I derive from eating it, it does not just feel as good as a light, lean, vibrant body. Now don't get me wrong, I love food and eating well is one of my greatest pleasures in life and I am definitely not a proponent of deprivation. I am a proponent of mindful eating. By mindful eating I mean making careful, conscious choices and listening to my body and the feedback it gives me while I'm eating and after I finish eating something. I use something I call the 85/15 rule of eating: 85% of the time I eat really well and 15% of the time I eat whatever I want.

After experimenting for many years I found what works best for me is to fuel my body with lots of lean protein (chicken, beef, fish, seafood), tons of vegetables of which I eat about 70% raw, nuts, fruit, coconut and almond milk, whey protein, pea protein and ground flax. I limit my dairy to small amounts of goat cheese and the occasional ice cream – by the way, when I eat ice cream, I eat a small amount and I only eat Haagen-Dazs. It's higher in fat but it only has real, natural ingredients in it because another principle I follow is to only put real food (stuff you could grow, raise, hunt and create in your own kitchen) in my mouth.
Basically I follow my own version of the Paleo Diet. This book has some very interesting concepts that make sense to me. If you want to know more check out the book The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain, PhD. (see below)

6:30 am – coffee, water, banana while I meditate, read, write and do EFT
9:45 am – "Fit Fast" walk/sprints at track – 8 cycles (20 min.); Fit to the Core
10:45 am – Whey protein mixed in water; 4 baby carrots
1:00 pm – Large salad of mixed greens, tomatoes, sliced steak w/olive oil and balsamic
3:30 pm – handful of cashews, peach
6:00 pm – ½ cup vanilla ice cream
8:00 pm – large salad of mixed baby greens, tomatoes, avocado, cucumbers, onions, goat cheese and steak w/mandarin orange dressing
10:30 pm – bed

Morning Super Shake
1 scoop of whey protein or 2 T of pea protein
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk or almond milk
2 T ground flax seeds
½ cup frozen berries
¼ t stevia powder
Here's a link to order the protein powders online:

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