Friday, January 29, 2010

Tips for Fighting Off Viruses

You know that feeling you get when you've got "something coming on". For me it's usually a scratchiness in the back of my throat, achiness, a funny feeling in my head and unusual tiredness. I just don't feel right and I know that if I don't give my body some help fighting off whatever is trying to get a hold, I'm going to get sick.

I think I've gotten pretty good at helping keep my body in balance, because except for the mildest of colds, I haven't been sick in the last 10 years. Here's some of the home remedies I use when I feel like "something is coming on".

*Note: This is not intended as medical advice and you should always check with your doctor before trying any home remedies.

1. Raise your body temperature so that you sweat - this works like a fever to kill viruses and release toxins from your body - you can do this by exercising; taking a hot bath with sea salt, tea tree and lavender essential oils; or sitting in a sauna. But don't exercise or use the sauna if you are already feeling sick, use the bath instead.

2. Sleep - if possible take a nap during the day and go to bed early. Sleep is when your body restores and refreshes itself and good sleep is essential for your immune system to function properly.

3. Drink Emergen-C - I like to put it into a glass of warm water and will drink 2 to 3 cups during the day if I feel like my bodies fighting something off.

4. Take Eccinacea - follow the directions on the bottle.

5. Take Vitamin D3 - This vitamin is essential for your immune system and most American living in the Northern Latitudes are deficient in the winter time. Read this article from Dr. Mercola for more information on Vitamin D3 and how to prevent colds.

6. Go Outside - take a walk and breath deeply allowing the fresh air to fill your lungs and nasal passages.

7. Laugh - watch your favorite comedy movie or show. Laughter creates the flood of endorphins that boost your immune system. You know what they say "laughter is the best medicine" they weren't kidding!

Most importantly, if you're feeling a bit "under the weather" slow down and be really kind and gentle with yourself. Most likely your be back "up to speed" and feeling great in the morning!

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