Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 2 – 7 Day Detox Diet

Well the first day of my detox diet went very well. I didn't really feel hungry or deprived. It actually felt good to eat healthfully and mindfully. It also felt good to be putting the focus on my own personal wellbeing!

6:20 – Get up for the Day – I'm feeling more refreshed then I did yesterday.

Coffee (at least 3 cups drunk black – hey it's organic!) while I do my morning meditation, journaling and tapping

7:30am – I forced myself to take my 10 minute morning Appreciation Walk (see Day 1 for details on how to do this). It felt really good and I was really appreciating how I have created this wonderful place to live where I can walk right out my door and be on a trail in the woods and this lifestyle that allows me to work from home and set my own schedule.

8am – banana and fresh veggie juice

8:30am – I force myself out the door to take may morning

9am – Breakfast - Bonnie's Power Oatmeal. (see recipe on Day 1)

1:30pm - Lunch – butternut squash soup, large salad with mixed greens, peppers, tomatoes, steak

Snack – celery with hummas

Dinner – butternut squash soup with chicken, large salad of mixed greens and tomatoes

Bedtime Snack - I'm hungry so I had a snack of a banana and some date squares.

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