Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Days 3 thru 7 - 7 Day Detox

Well I'm back on line after being away for the weekend and I'm here to tell you that it is possible to eat healthfully and follow a detox plan even while traveling, if you plan. I'll explain how I do that in my next post "Tips for Traveling".

Days 3 thru 7 of my 7 day detox basically all went quite well and it's amazing the positive difference that I feel in my body and mood after taking such good care of myself for the last 7 days! My energy levels are high and steady. My skin is glowing. I'm sleeping deeply and soundly and my allergies are 90% better than they were before I started this journey. I feel really, really good and ready to continue with more positive changes in my life.

Here are some notes on each day. Basically each day I ate very close to the first 2 days that I gave detailed menus for in early posts. For the most part Bonnie's Power Oatmeal or Power Breakfast shake in the morning with fruit and coffee; huge salad with grilled meat and homemade soup for lunch; grilled meat, vegetables and salad for dinner. Snacks as needed (see earlier Posts.

One of the things that I did was to make sure that every time I ate, I ate some raw vegetables or fruit with whatever else I was having. I am a big believer in the benefits of "Raw Food" for health and wellbeing. Raw, live foods are filled with enzymes that help with digestion, detoxing and nourishing your body properly.

Day 3 - This was the most challenging day as far as being able to stick to the to the diet. I was having mad cravings for tortilla chips which are my "I can't resist it, I'm addicted, food". I was able to stop the cravings and not give in to the "calling of my addiction" by using EFT tapping. If you don't know what EFT is it stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and it is a simple acupressure tapping technique that is highly effective for dealing with cravings, stress and all kinds of things. If you want to know more check out my website for a free download on using EFT for weight loss and cravings. http://www.justtherightfitsystems.com

Day 4 - Nothing out of the ordinary, the day went smoothly.

Day 5 - I woke up feeling really great this morning. This is the best I have felt in a long while and I noticed that my winter allergies are 90% better than 6 days ago!

Day 6 - I was traveling and away from home and I went to bed late. I woke up feeling tired and I had scrambled eggs and fruit for breakfast instead of my Power oatmeal since I was away from home. It's more challenging to eat well when traveling but it can be done. Eggs and fruit are always a good choice for breakfast (just leave out the homefries and toast). You can always get salads even at fast food restaurants. At nicer restaurants I will usually have grilled meat or fish, steamed veggies and a large salad.

Day 7- This is the last day and I feel really good and it hasn't been that hard to clean up my eating and cut out the processed foods, sugar and grains. I am going to continue on with a slightly modified version of what I've been doing for the last 7 day.

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