Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Best Year of My Life Challenge

Well here we are at last, a new year is upon us. Personally, I'm soooooooo glad the new year is here. As much as I love the Holiday's they really take a toll on me - they throw me completely out of wack! All that eating and all those glasses of wine, not to mention having my class and workout schedule knixed down to a mere shadow of what it normally is, has resulted in extra pounds and my feeling generally yucky and out of sorts.

Every year in January I like to set myself some goals and challenge myself a bit. This year I thought it might be fun to write about it and share it with others. Feel free to follow along with me if you feel so inspired. You can copy what I do, or you can take what you like and leave the rest or create your own custom plan - or not - whatever works for you.

So here's my personal challenge, I am going to make 2010 the best year of my life so far! How am I going to do this you ask, what's my plan? Well quite frankly I'm winging it, I'm making up the plan as I go along, basically day by day. If nothing else comes out of this, it should be somewhat amusing to see what kind of crazy things I come up with!

I do however have a plan for the first 7 days. Starting tomorrow I am doing a 7 Day Detox Diet to clean out my poor "holiday abused" body and make a fresh start. It's kind of like cleaning up the mess in your kitchen before you start cooking.

Wish me luck - this should be interesting 7 day ride!


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