Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 2 - Bikini Body Boot Camp

Today I spent the afternoon with my daughter and mother at Silver Sands Beach. It was an absolutely perfect beach day and we had a great time. It's only day two of my personal beach body challenge and I was already trying to wiggle out of my commitement to myself. It was very amusing to me to watch the internal conversation I was having in my head this morning as I was trying to tell myself that I did not have time to do my workout and I could do it later in the evening when I got home. Now I know from past experience that if I don't do my workouts in the morning, first thing on busy days, they don't get done. I also knew that I was going to have to write about what I ate and did today and so even though I knew working out was going to make me a bit late, I threw on my sneakers and ran out the door and did hill sprints. It's actually quite valuable to revel what you are doing to the world - it really keeps you on track!

6:45 am - banana & coffee while I meditate, write and do EFT
7:45 am - Fit Fast: 5 hill sprints; stretch
8:30 am - Jumpstart Juice (fresh vegetable juice); whey protein w/coconut milk, flax seeds and blueberries
12:30 pm - salad of baby greens, tomato, grilled chicken w/ginger dressing; hummus w/carrots & blue corn chips
2:00 pm - walk on beach, swim
2:30 pm - fresh fruit salad
5:00 pm - fresh fruit salad; hummus w/carrots & blue corn chips, sliced steak (I'm so hungry after the beach, I feel like I'm going to faint. I drank 2 huge glasses of water before I ate which somewhat stopped the shakiness)
7:30 pm - salad of baby greens, tomato, avacado and grilled chicken w/olive oil and lemon
10:00 pm - bed

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