Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 3 - Bikini Body Boot Camp

I have found that one of the very best things that you can do to boost your confidence and how you feel about yourself, is to follow through with commitments that you make to yourself. I feel really good right now! I love a good challenge, it stimulates me and keeps me focused and moving forward - and to me, that's what makes me feel alive and excited about my life. Here's what I did today, to take good care of me.

6:30 am - coffee & banana while I do EFT, meditate and write in my journal
8:00 am - Jumpstart Juice (fresh veggie juice); protein shake w/pea protein, coconut milk, flax seeds, blueberries and stevia
9:00 - workout - teach 1 hour Beach Body Boot Camp class
12:00 pm - salad of baby green, tomato, avocado, carrot and grilled chicken w/olive oil and lemon
2:30 pm - walk (walking is not a workout - see my forthcoming article) to clear my head and get the blood flowing and enjoy the amazingly beautiful weather today!
5:00 pm - fresh fruit salad
7:30 pm - grilled steak and smashed cauliflower, tomato and cucumber salad
9:00 pm - stretch
9:30 pm - read
10:00 pm - bed

Day 2 - Bikini Body Boot Camp

Today I spent the afternoon with my daughter and mother at Silver Sands Beach. It was an absolutely perfect beach day and we had a great time. It's only day two of my personal beach body challenge and I was already trying to wiggle out of my commitement to myself. It was very amusing to me to watch the internal conversation I was having in my head this morning as I was trying to tell myself that I did not have time to do my workout and I could do it later in the evening when I got home. Now I know from past experience that if I don't do my workouts in the morning, first thing on busy days, they don't get done. I also knew that I was going to have to write about what I ate and did today and so even though I knew working out was going to make me a bit late, I threw on my sneakers and ran out the door and did hill sprints. It's actually quite valuable to revel what you are doing to the world - it really keeps you on track!

6:45 am - banana & coffee while I meditate, write and do EFT
7:45 am - Fit Fast: 5 hill sprints; stretch
8:30 am - Jumpstart Juice (fresh vegetable juice); whey protein w/coconut milk, flax seeds and blueberries
12:30 pm - salad of baby greens, tomato, grilled chicken w/ginger dressing; hummus w/carrots & blue corn chips
2:00 pm - walk on beach, swim
2:30 pm - fresh fruit salad
5:00 pm - fresh fruit salad; hummus w/carrots & blue corn chips, sliced steak (I'm so hungry after the beach, I feel like I'm going to faint. I drank 2 huge glasses of water before I ate which somewhat stopped the shakiness)
7:30 pm - salad of baby greens, tomato, avacado and grilled chicken w/olive oil and lemon
10:00 pm - bed

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 1 - Bikini Body Boot Camp

Today I start my own personal Bikini Body Boot Camp. There's only 4 weeks till I leave for Hawaii so I need to stay focused and on track if I want to achieve my goals!

6:15 am - Coffee and Banana while I write, meditate and do EFT
8:00 am - Protein shake: whey protein and water
9:00 am - Workout: teach 1 hour BBB Camp class
11:00 am - Protein shake: pea protein, coconut milk, raspberries and stevia
1:00 pm - Lunch: salad of mixed baby greens, tomatoes and steak w/olive oil and balsamic vinegar; hummus w/celery & carrot sticks
3:30 pm - 5 min. jumping on my mini trampoline to clear my head, raise my metabolism and get the blood flowing (I've been sitting working at the computer for 2 hours).
4:00 pm - 1 diced Mango (I just love Mangos the remind me of Caribbean sunshine!)
5:00 pm - handful of Blueberries
7:00 pm - Dinner: grilled burger on romain leaves w/ketchup, onions, tomotoes; salad of baby mixed greens, cucumbers, tomatoes w/olive oil and liquid aminos.
8:30 pm - stretch
10:00pm - bed

Sunday, June 27, 2010

4 Weeks to Get Bikini Body, Buff and Beautiful!

Like I said in my last post I found out a couple of days ago that we are going to Hawaii on July 30th and I want to feel really good being on the beach in my bikini. A couple of years ago when I started doing "Fit Fast" and eliminated most of the grains and starchy carbs from my diet, I got down to 19% body fat and I felt so light, lithe and lean. I just loved the way I felt and looked! Over the last year or so I've gotten a bit lazy and inconsistent with my personal workouts and my body fat has crept up along with the inches on my waist, abs, hips and thighs. When we started Beach Body Boot Camp back on 5/3/10 I was up to 27.8% body fat (a ten year high!). Over the past 8 weeks I've come down to 21.5% and lost 4" and I feel so much better but I'd still like to get back to where I was 2 years ago. So I decided to do my own personal, 4 week intensive version of my Beach Body Boot Camp to get ready for Hawaii. If you are up for the challenge feel free to follow along! Here are my goals.

Physical Goals
Body Fat: 19% (-2.5%)
Weight: 120 pnds (-3 pnds)
Waist: 26" (-.5)
Abs: 31" (-2)
Hips: 34" (-2)
Thighs: 19" (-1.5)

Emotional Goals
To feel confident, sexy and beautiful on the beach in my bikini.

My Daily Statements of Intention
I am a light, lithe, lean fat burning machine!
I feel confident, sexy and beautiful in my bikini!

Look for my daily posts where I'll describe what and how I'm doing. - Bonnie

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bonnie’s Personal Beach Body Makeover

Hi Girls!

For those of you who don't know me I'm Bonnie Skane and I'm a Fitness, Weight Loss, Wellness and Personal Empowerment Coach. I've been working with women for the last 12 years supporting them and giving them tools that help empower them to look and feel great. I teach a variety of classes and workshops and do private sessions. Right now I am 2 weeks into teaching my second session of Beach Body Beautiful Boot Camp. This has been so rewarding and so much fun for me as I watch our participants break through the limits of their bodies and minds and start achieving the results they desire. Beach Body Beautiful Boot Camp is a very special program - probably like no other you've ever seen! We take a very holistic three prong approach that deals with mind/emotions, body (exercise) and nutrition. I believe that the key for obtaining lasting, lifelong results is how you feel about you. I also believe that the first step in allowing yourself to have the body you desire, is loving and accepting the body you have –even if it's not perfect. We help change these beliefs with energy-psychology (EFT and PTCB – Process to Change Beliefs). For more info… Sign-up to receive my FREE e-book at the right if you'd like to know more about using EFT to help you lose weight.

Anyway, back to why I am posting this. I found out a couple days ago that I am going to Hawaii for business/pleasure. I am so excited I've always wanted to go to Hawaii! On this trip we are going to be working with a large company that is in the fitness business in a big way. I want to be able to go on this trip and feel confident and really good about how I look on the beach in my bikini. So I decided that I am going to do my own personal, ramped up, intense version of my Beach Body Boot Camp. I thought it might be fun to share it with anybody who is interested in following along (there's tremendous power in shared experiences!). So if you are up for a challenge and you are willing to put in some time, effort and energy – join me!
