Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 10 – Bikini Body Boot Camp

A Day of Detoxing

7/7/10 – After having a three day Holiday Weekend fling, I've decided today is a good day to do a bit of detoxing and let my body rest and recover from the abuse that I gave it in the form of sweets, wine and starchy carbs over the last few days. Don't get me wrong, I didn't go totally overboard but my body is use to me eating very cleanly – no processed foods, very little sugar, grains or starchy carbs and lots and lots of raw fresh veggies and fruit. So today I am going to treat myself really well and eat only veggies, fruit, nuts and some pea protein and drink lots of water and green tea. All of these things are very easily digestible and will allow my body to flush out remains of the garbage I ate over the weekend. Remember, food is fuel, so if you want to look and feel your best by very mindful of the fuel that you are putting into "the vehicle" that takes you through this journey of life!

7:00 am – 2 large glasses of water, coffee and banana while I do EFT, meditate and write

8:00 am – Jump Start Juice (fresh veggie juice); Pea protein shake w/almond milk, flax and blueberries

9:00 am – teach BBB Camp class (1 hour)

11:00 am – handful of cashews

12:30 pm – salad of baby greens w/olive oil and balsamic; red and green sauce over smashed cauliflower (see recipe below); iced green tea

3:30 pm – Pea protein shake w/coconut milk and strawberries

5:15 pm – Jump on Trampoline (10 minutes) to get the blood and lymph flowing and clear my head after spending the afternoon working on the computer.

6:30 pm – red and green sauce w/carrots and celery for dipping

8:00 pm – fresh blueberries and strawberries w/protein cream made from ¼ coconut milk, ¼ t stevia, ¼ t cinnamon and ¾ scoop whey protein

10:30 pm – bed

I drank water with lemon all day long (around a gallon)

Red and Green Sauce

14 oz crushed tomatoes

15 oz chick peas

1 small bunch fresh basil

2 large cloves of crushed garlic

¼ cup lemon juice

1 T olive oil

1 T balsamic vinegar

Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Serve over "Smashed Cauliflower" (steam a bag of frozen cauliflower until tender, add a little olive oil and salt and pepper, then smash until crumbly with a potato masher)


  1. Hi Bonnie. I did the intervals this morning after a restless night of sleep, and although it was muggy, it did revive me and give me more energy! Thanks for all the good ideas.

  2. I know just what you mean Lisa. I forced myself to go out this afternoon and even thought I had a really slow start, I felt like a new women after I finished! Bonnie
