Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 14 – Bikini Body Boot Camp

Bonnie's Tips for Eating Well and Mindfully

  • Eat non-processed foods: things that you could grow, hunt or cook-up in your own kitchen.
  • Eat organic range free meats and eggs.
  • Eat as many organic vegetables as you can everyday.
  • Eat at least 60% of your food raw.
  • Limit your dairy to small amounts.
  • Eliminate sugar and especially High Fructose Corn Syrup.
  • Eat small amounts of protein, fat and low starch vegetables whenever you eat.
  • Eat when you are hungry – ask if yourself if you are really hungry before you eat.
  • Drink a glass of water and wait 5 minutes before you eat.
  • Put your food on a plate and sit down to eat.
  • If you choose to eat a treat, enjoy it thoroughly, sit down and savor each bite full!
  • Eat slowly and consciously, chew thoroughly and put your fork down between each mouthful.
  • Listen to your body and pay attention to how you feel when you are eating and after you finish eating. If you listen, your body will tell you what foods are the best fuels for it to function perfectly – full of vibrant health and energy!


7:00 am – coffee, water and banana while I read, do EFT, meditate and write

8:30 am – pea protein shake w/coconut milk, flax seeds and blueberries

10:15 am – jump on trampoline (5 min.); walk 45 min; Yoga stretch (today is a recovery day)

12:30 pm – large salad of baby greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado, onion, steak w/olive oil and balsamic; watermelon

5:00 pm – blue tortilla chips, goat cheese, red peppers

7:30 pm – grilled lamb & mushrooms, sweet potato and tomato and cucumber salad

8:30 pm – ½ cup vanilla ice cream w/blueberries

10:30 pm - bed


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