Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 19 - Bikini Body Boot Camp

Choosing the Right Foods Can Override Your Genes

By Dr. Al Sears - Have you resigned yourself to gaining weight because it "runs in the family"? Bad genetics doesn't have to catch up with you. You can change your genes simply by making a few adjustments to your diet.

When you eat certain foods, nutrients release hormones that switch your genes on and off. And the nutrients in low-glycemic foods turn off genes that lead to weight gain and diseases that may follow. We found this out when we studied the response to the glycemic index (GI) in people who have metabolic syndrome.

The glycemic index measures how fast your food breaks down to sugar in your bloodstream. Metabolic syndrome is a medical term for overweight people whose cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels are high. It puts them at risk for diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.

In the study, one group ate foods with a low GI rating of 40-60. The other group ate foods with a high GI rating of about 80-100.

In just 12 weeks, the high GI diet increased the activity of 62 genes that lead to disease. These genes activate your stress response. It puts your body in a constant "fight or flight" mode. This lowers your immunity and causes damage to your cells.

But the low GI diet decreased the activity of 71 disease-causing genes, including hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL).2

High HSL is what causes fat to settle around your middle.3 But when scientists studied animals bred to have little HSL, they found the animals became resistant to obesity, whether it was hereditary or from diet.4

I suggest you eat a wide variety of low GI foods. Follow the example handed down by our primal ancestors. Choose foods you could have gotten either by hunting or gathering:

Eat fresh, low-glycemic foods. Look for grass-fed beef. Fish. Beans. Plenty of above-ground and green, leafy vegetables. Onions and garlic. Berries, nuts, and seeds. Fresh fruits.

Avoid high-glycemic foods. These include white potatoes, most grains such as rice, corn, and wheat, cereals, cereal bars, and low-fiber or sweetened foods.

Shun pre-packaged items and fast food. These products contain high-glycemic ingredients and artificial chemicals. Avoid sweetened foods. Diet foods. Foods like these turn on the genes responsible for weight gain and disease.


6:30 am – coffee, water, banana while I read, meditate, write and do EFT tapping

8:00 am – "Jumpstart Juice" (fresh veggie juice); pea protein shake w/coconut milk, flax and blueberries

9:00 am – teach "Total Body Fit Circuits" class (1 hour)

11:00 am – whey protein w/water and ½ banana

11:30 am – roast beef slices rolled around carrot strips

1:30 pm – small helping chicken cacciatore

3:30 pm – large salad of mixed greens, tomatoes, chicken w/balsamic and olive oil; corn chips w/goat cheese and onions

8:00 pm – steak, asparagus and corn on the cob

9:45 pm – watermelon

10:15 pm - Bed

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