Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Drink Your Veggies for Weight Loss and Health!

Raw foods contain something that cannot be found in any other food: live enzymes. Enzymes are the catalyst for every human function. We were born with the capacity to produce a great deal of enzymes and started life with a huge enzyme "bank account." However, the standard cooked American fare uses up enzymes during the digestion process without replacing them. Over time we become enzyme impoverished. We perceive this as our metabolism slowing as we age, but it is really because we are becoming enzyme deficient.

Enzymes are your body's workers. They clean up all the garbage and waste that slows your body down, makes you feel sick, tired and sluggish and pack on the extra pounds. The more enzymes you take in through eating raw plant food, the more fuel you will have to complete the chores that your body must do to keep you in a vibrant, healthy and youthful state.

Here's another way to look at the importance of enzymes. We are living beings. Although no one will dispute that, our civilization consumes food that is dead – or cooked. Ask yourself, how can dead food sustain living beings without making those beings less vibrant? Eating living foods makes us more vibrant-literally "full of life."

If you're skeptical about all of this, I invite you to try adding more raw fruits and vegetables to your diet and see for yourself how much better you'll feel. A simple way to start doing this is to start your day with a freshly juiced vegetable drink and a protein shake and then add a large raw vegetable salad to your lunch and dinner. Studies now show that drinking freshly juiced vegetables can triple your weight loss and women who have the highest intakes of phytochemicals had body fat levels that were 46 percent lower than those that took in the least! So drink up your veggies! Below is my favorite recipe.

Bonnie’s Veggie Juice
½  lemon
1 small apple
2 carrot
2 celery stick
½ cucumber
6 Kale leaves

Wash everything with "Veggie Wash" (I get it at Stop and Shop in the produce department) and then put it through your juicer. I find this juice deliciously refreshing and invigorating. I can just feel all those wonderful fresh enzymes going to work cleaning all the garbage out of my body!

If you've made a commitment to eat healthier and your best intentions keep going astray because of cravings for your favorite foods, check out my video - "Tap to Be Free" - EFT for Cravings

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