Tuesday, January 1, 2013

If 2013 Was the Best Year of My Life...

I love New Years’ Day! To me it feels like a chance at a fresh start, a new beginning. This day feels full of promise and excitement and an opportunity to create the best year of my life so far. I no longer make New Years’ resolutions. They never felt good to me, they just felt like another list of things that “I should do.” And so, usually by the time a few weeks passed, I stopped doing them. A few years ago I started something I called, “setting my New Years’ intentions.” “Setting my New Years’ intentions” starts off with a very general statement of me saying, “2013 is going to be the best year of my life so far!” And then I start asking myself how would I feel if I was having the best year of my life? This is what came to me for this bright and shiny new year of 2013.

If 2013 Was the Best Year of My Life…

  • I would wake up each morning excited about the possibilities that this new day might bring.
  • I would appreciate and focus on all the wonderful things that are good and are working in my life.
  • I would look for the best in everyone I know and everyone I meet.
  • I would expect good things to happen to me and those I love.
  • I would trust that there is a greater plan and hand at work in all things.
  • I would trust that everything is always unfolding perfectly.
  • I would look for the best in everyone I know and everyone I meet.
  • I would have more faith
  • I would be kinder
  • I would laugh more
  • I would love more
  • I would pray more
  • I would play more
  • I would remember that everything I have is everything I need.
  • I would remember that I am never alone, always loved, eternally supported and everything is always working out for me.

I would remember that I hold the key and the power to create the best year of my life. I exercise that power by how I focus my thoughts. I would remember that whatever I put my focus on is what I get more of, and so I would be very careful about what I place my attention on. I would put my attention on the things that are good and are right and that I want to create more of and so allow myself to experience 2013 as the Best Year of my life, so far!

Happy New Year everyone! I wish you all the Best Year of your life, so far!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Bonnie! I have to share this on FB! Leah and I are setting our intentions...and I love the ones you listed! And love you, too! Kerry
