Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is Weighing Yourself Helpful for Weight Loss?

I know that a lot of experts will tell you if you're trying to lose weight, you should "weigh in" every week. But in my 15 years of working with women as a weight loss, fitness and wellness coach, I tend to disagree.

Let me tell you why. With most of the clients I work with, the weekly weigh in is something that they absolutely dread and obsess about all week long. This is not helpful in any way, shape or form!

I highly suggest that if you are trying to lose weight that you don’t weigh yourself more than once every 30 days!

For most people it takes about thirty days of doing something consistently to see measurable results. When you are constantly checking your weight and you don’t see it going down or you see it going down slowly, it tends to put you in a place of feeling bad about yourself and that gets in the way of your releasing the extra pounds. If you are feeling bad about yourself and you hate the way you look and you keep noticing that you are not losing weight as quickly as you want, it makes it almost impossible for you to follow through and do what you need to do to be successful!

Focus on where you are going, not where you currently are. Instead of constantly jumping on the scale to check your progress, spend some time every day think about what it will feel like when you reach your desired goal.
The best thing you can do for yourself if you're trying to lose weight, is to find any way you can to feel good about yourself and your efforts! 

If your goal is to trim pounds, choose a diet and exercise program that feel good to you and follow through to the best of your ability every day. Pat yourself on the back for the positive changes you are making and the things that you are doing right! Let go of any slip ups and get right back on track!
Instead of getting on the scale, you want to ask yourself if you are feeling better, stronger and have more energy. Revealing your slim, fit and vibrant body is a journey and if you keep moving forward you will eventually get there!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Too often people beat themselves up about the scale vs. celebrating the journey.
