Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 3 - Bikini Body Boot Camp

I have found that one of the very best things that you can do to boost your confidence and how you feel about yourself, is to follow through with commitments that you make to yourself. I feel really good right now! I love a good challenge, it stimulates me and keeps me focused and moving forward - and to me, that's what makes me feel alive and excited about my life. Here's what I did today, to take good care of me.

6:30 am - coffee & banana while I do EFT, meditate and write in my journal
8:00 am - Jumpstart Juice (fresh veggie juice); protein shake w/pea protein, coconut milk, flax seeds, blueberries and stevia
9:00 - workout - teach 1 hour Beach Body Boot Camp class
12:00 pm - salad of baby green, tomato, avocado, carrot and grilled chicken w/olive oil and lemon
2:30 pm - walk (walking is not a workout - see my forthcoming article) to clear my head and get the blood flowing and enjoy the amazingly beautiful weather today!
5:00 pm - fresh fruit salad
7:30 pm - grilled steak and smashed cauliflower, tomato and cucumber salad
9:00 pm - stretch
9:30 pm - read
10:00 pm - bed

1 comment:

  1. sounds like the day that I will be following tomorrow after this holiday weekend - clean eating and tlc!
