Sunday, June 27, 2010

4 Weeks to Get Bikini Body, Buff and Beautiful!

Like I said in my last post I found out a couple of days ago that we are going to Hawaii on July 30th and I want to feel really good being on the beach in my bikini. A couple of years ago when I started doing "Fit Fast" and eliminated most of the grains and starchy carbs from my diet, I got down to 19% body fat and I felt so light, lithe and lean. I just loved the way I felt and looked! Over the last year or so I've gotten a bit lazy and inconsistent with my personal workouts and my body fat has crept up along with the inches on my waist, abs, hips and thighs. When we started Beach Body Boot Camp back on 5/3/10 I was up to 27.8% body fat (a ten year high!). Over the past 8 weeks I've come down to 21.5% and lost 4" and I feel so much better but I'd still like to get back to where I was 2 years ago. So I decided to do my own personal, 4 week intensive version of my Beach Body Boot Camp to get ready for Hawaii. If you are up for the challenge feel free to follow along! Here are my goals.

Physical Goals
Body Fat: 19% (-2.5%)
Weight: 120 pnds (-3 pnds)
Waist: 26" (-.5)
Abs: 31" (-2)
Hips: 34" (-2)
Thighs: 19" (-1.5)

Emotional Goals
To feel confident, sexy and beautiful on the beach in my bikini.

My Daily Statements of Intention
I am a light, lithe, lean fat burning machine!
I feel confident, sexy and beautiful in my bikini!

Look for my daily posts where I'll describe what and how I'm doing. - Bonnie

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh- nothing like going to Hawaii. Will be fun to read and go along!
