Friday, January 8, 2010

Note regarding the 7 Day Detox days

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to bring something to your attention, the detox days are not real time and I am posting these days after the fact. Today I am actually on day 5 of my detox plan. It's just amazing to me how much better I am feeling after 4 full days of eating and exercising well. My allergies are 90 percent better than they where when I started 5 days ago! This fact alone motivates me to keep going.

I'm about to go outside now for my Appreciation Walk it's snowing quite hard so I'm really going to bundle up, in fact the inclement weather canceled the fitness class I was suppose to teach this morning. I'm really bumbed about this because I created a new routine that's a lot of fun and I was looking forward to teaching it again. So, I'm going to do it on my own at home - not as fun as a group but I've got to say: "working out is the one thing that I do, that when I'm finished with it, I never say - I wish I hadn't had done that!" I always feel good and I am always pleased with myself after I finish any kind of movement!

Enjoy Your Day!


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