Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 1 – 7 Day Detox Diet

Hi Everyone,

Well here we go – time to make a fresh start! This is the plan for my first day of the7 Day Detox Diet. I'll let you know in later posts how it went and if I had any problems (fell off the wagon) or needed to make any modifications

Upon Awakening – 8 oz. of warm water with a slice of fresh squeezed lemon, to stimulate the bowel and get everything jumpstarted!
Coffee (black) banana while doing morning routine of meditation, journaling and MTT tapping.

10 Minute Appreciation Walk
So this is something that I just started doing and I really love it! Whenever I get the chance to do this first thing in the morning, it sets such a wonderful tone for my whole day. Also, since my sinuses don't seem to like the indoor air of my house in the winter, getting out every day and deeply breathing the fresh air, really seems to help my allergies.

This is how I do my "10 Minute Appreciation Walk" First I dress really warmly (I don't like the cold) and then I force myself to walk outside into the cold winter air and head for the trail through the woods that's right outside my door – lucky me!

Now I start speaking out loud everything I can think of that I appreciate. I start by saying things along the line of:

I am so appreciation that I have this nice warm jacket, hat and gloves to protect me from the cold.

I am so appreciating how refreshing the cold air feels in my lungs.
I am so appreciating that my legs are strong enough to carry me along this trail.
I continue on with my own body and then I start to shift to what I appreciate about the scenery and the things that I can see.

Then I'll shift to all the things in my life that I appreciate and so on…… Once I get going on this, I really start to roll and no matter how lousy I may have felt when I started, I always feel much, much better by the time I come back home!

Try this one – I think you'll really like it!


Veggie Juice

1 small lemon

1 apple
1 carrot
1 celery stick
½ head of large Romain lettuce
6 Kale leaves
Wash everything with "Veggie Wash" (I get it at Stop and Shop in the produce department) and then put it through your juicer.

I find this juice deliciously refreshing and invigorating. I can just feel all those wonderful fresh enzymes going to work cleaning all the "Holiday Sludge" out of my poor abused body!

Breakfast – Bonnie's Power Oatmeal

½ cup of quick oats

1 cup water
1 small apple chopped
½ teas. Cinnamon
½ scoop Whey Protein
¼ cup plain full fat yogurt
2 T ground flaxseeds
Microwave the oats, water, apple and Cinnamon for 2 minutes. Add the Whey Protein and yogurt and flaxseeds. Eat – Delicious!

Morning supplements:
Omega 3's
Vitamin C – 500mlgs.
Whole Food Multi

Huge salad of mixed greens & tomatoes, w/lean protein, olive oil, lemon & amino acids.

Butternut Squash Soup
1 32oz. Organic Vegetable Broth
1 package frozen butternut Squash
1 Carrot chopped and peeled
1 Onion chopped
3 cloves of garlic chopped
1 teas. Curry powder
Olive Oil
Saute onion and garlic in olive oil until tender. Add broth, carrot, squash and cook until veggies are tender. Stir in curry powder. Let cool slightly and puree in blender.

Afternoon Pick-Me-Up

Other than being a wellness and personal empowerment coach, I also do graphic design work. So I spend a lot of time sitting working on my laptop. Since I am very Kinesthetic and find it hard to sit still for long periods of time, I counter act this by sitting on my stability ball (covered by a large fluffy towel) will I work. This way I can constantly move around and bounce on it while things are loading. Whenever I get up from my computer I do some of these:

1 Minute Metabolism Booster
Run in place while you count to 20 then count to 20 while you rumble (take a wide stance and get up on your toes and let your butt and hips shake until you get a good vibration going – this really wakes you up!). Repeat this sequence 4 times.
Jump on Trampoline for a couple of minutes
Bounce on Stability Ball
Stretch on the Stability Ball – my favorite is lean back over the ball and letting the ball support your back and let your hands touch the floor behind you. This feels wonderful and counteracts the tension that builds in your neck and shoulders from working on the computer.

Afternoon Supplements - Green Tea, Max GXL, Emergen-C

Coconut Egg Nog Shake
1 cup unsweetened Coconut Milk (you can get it at your local Health Food Store of Whole Foods)
1 raw organic free range egg
¼ teas. Stevia Leaf
½ teas. Cinnamon
½ teas. Pure Vanilla
Blend Everything in a blender. Enjoy!

I just love this concoction that I created after I was reading how good coconut milk is for you – I think it's really delicious. In case you're wondering about the scoop on coconut milk read my upcoming entry on "The Benefits of Coconut Milk".

Steak w/sautéed mixed peppers and onions, mixed greens and tomatoes w/olive oil & amino acids, steamed cauliflower with butter.

Bedtime Supplements - Magnesium, Fish Oil

Bed – by 10:30pm

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