Monday, May 2, 2011

If You Want to Lose Weight, Be Careful of When You Eat

If You Want to Lose Weight, Be Careful of When You Eat

When you eat is just as important as what you eat if you are trying to lose weight. If you are over weight and have been following a healthy diet and exercising consistently for at least six weeks and you are not seeing a significant fat loss, it may be because of when you are eating.

Don’t eat right before bed or just before you work out. You want your body to be in “fat’burning mode during your work outs and while you are sleeping.

Your body has two main sources of energy: stored fat and stored carbohydrates. When you eat or drink substances like energy bars, cereals, pastas, bagels or sports drinks (all high in carbs/sugars) your body’s insulin levels rise to cope with the additional carbohydrates in your system. That means, during the time you process those carbs through your bloodstream, your body’s hormones are focused on burning that type of fuel for energy. Thus, if you consume those carbs before your workout, you will be in the mode to burn the carbs in your body more than the stored fat around your waist and thighs!
The most advantagous time to work out if you want to burn fat and lose weight is first thing in the morning, before you eat breakfast. If you feel faint not eating anything before your morning exercise, try having a low carb/sugar protein shake an hour before your workout. Then eat your breakfast when you are finished exercising. If you can’t work out in first thing in the morning, don’t eat for 3 hours before you exercise latter in the day.

Stop eating 3 hours before bedtime. By allowing your body to sleep in “fasting mode” – meaning you are not in the midst of digesting a meal – your body will access stored fat for energy. You might start getting hungry before you go to sleep but if you can control yourself you will enjoy 8 hours of solid fat burning!

If you follow these guidelines and limit your carbs before exercise and sleep, you will allow your body to access it’s fat stores for fuel and function as an effective fat-burning machine!

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