Thursday, August 12, 2010

Participants Needed for 30 Day Test Program – “Love Yourself Lean”

Do You Want to Lose Weight?

Are you frustrated because you've been trying but haven't been successful in losing and keeping weight off permanently?

I am looking for a 6 motivated women who want to lose weight, have tried to lose weight but have not been successful and in losing it and keeping it off, to participate in a 30 day test, of my new program "Love Yourself Lean". This not an exercise or diet program but addresses the internal conflicts and non-supportive beliefs that get in our way of successful losing weight and keeping it off permanently.

I have news for you. If you have extra weight and you wish you didn't, it's not because you are weak, undisciplined or cursed by bad genes. It because you have some kind of internal conflict going on that will not allow you to take care of yourself in ways that nurture your body and allow you to obtain your perfect healthy weight.

This program will address and reset the non-supportive and limiting beliefs which get in our way of having the slim, fit, vibrant healthy bodies that we all deserve.

We will be using the "Energy Psychology techniques of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and PTCB (Process to Change Beliefs) to reset and align our beliefs at the unconscious level. Both of these processes are fast, easy to learn, and painless. Some of the beliefs we will be resetting and aligning ourselves with are:

  • I love and accept myself and my body exactly as I am right now.
  • I've got what it takes and I am plenty good enough.
  • I deserve and allow myself to have a happy and successful life.
  • I deserve and allow myself to have a slim, fit and healthy body.
  • It's safe for me to let go of any extra weight and have a slim, fit, healthy body.
  • My body is a gift and I choose to treat it with loving kindness and respect.
  • I care for and nurture myself with the perfect foods and exercise.

To participate in this test group of "Love Yourself Lean" you must:

  1. Be open to new ideas and changes
  2. Be able to commit 100% to doing the mind/energy exercises everyday for 30 days. The time commitment is approximately 20 minutes (morning and night).
  3. Keep a daily journal/log.
  4. Attend 3 live meetings (you must be available and attend all of them) in Woodbury: 8/19, 8/26 and 9/9 at 7:00pm.
  5. A strong desire and willingness to treat yourself with loving kindness and respect!


All participants will be provided with individual and group support. The value of this program is $400.00. If you qualify to participate, you will receive the whole 30 day program for free!

Interested participants should email me ASAP (I only have 3 slots left) to see if you qualify. Bonnie Skane


  1. If you are interested in join the group get back to me ASAP, I only have 1 slot left!

  2. wish i lived closer. have the desire not the locale! good luck.
